Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gimme Mulligan or Gimme Death

Frustrated with your golf game?  Most golfers are.  But what can you really do about it?  The
golf establishment preaches that the secret to improving your game lies in buying the latest clubs and balls or expensive lessons coupled with endless hours of practice.
Does it work? 

Not likely.  The sad truth is that USGA’s own research shows that there is almost never
significant improvement for golfers who have been playing for more than
three years.  We’ve all been brainwashed to believe that the anguish and disappointments experienced almost every round are simply ‘part of the game’.

It’s not your fault. Golf is a difficult game, even for professionals. Made even more so for recreational golfers by the unforgiving, arbitrary and burdensome rules and mandates set by the USGA.  A Golf Online survey reported that only 23% of golfers admit to strictly following USGA Rules of Golf.  Why so few? 

Because adhering to USGA Rules of Golf produce a frustrating, unsatisfactory experience for the vast majority of golfers. Are we supposed to just accept this as our golfing lot and toil in perpetual frustration?  Absolutely not!  We at the SortaGolf Association say, Gimme mulligan or gimme death!

Every golfer deserves to play a better, more consistent and satisfying round of golf and thanks to SortaGolf that’s exactly what you’ll do.  It’s simple, easy and best of all you’re probably already following many of its common sense principles.
SortaGolf features a revolutionary collection of rules amendments called the Sorta 7.  This ‘Golfer’s Bill of Rights’ will dramatically improving your golfing satisfaction without expensive new equipment and lessons or build calluses on the practice tee.  It provides an updated rules format all golfers can gladly follow while maintaining both competitive integrity and the essential essence of the game.

Recreational golfers everywhere unite!  Demand the satisfaction you deserve and declare your independence from the USGA Rules of Golf. The SortaGolf revolution is here.

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